Ordering lunches: Lunches will be served by Chicken Hut once again this year.
Register your child and start ordering lunches online at:  https://kestrelheights.schoollunchchoice.com/
If you were registered last year, you just need to modify your child’s information to reflect this year’s teacher and grade.

Menus will be posted four  weeks out so that you can order for a month at a time.
    •    A calendar of menu items will be published on this site and posted at school monthly.
    •    Cost for lunch is $3.50 each day.
    •    A 3% transaction fee will be added to every order. This fee covers the cost of processing your payment.
    •    Lunch includes an entrée, side dish, fruit or vegetables.
    •    The drink is 1% milk. 
     •    On half-days a bagged lunch will be available to purchase; which will consist of a sandwich, and side items, with a drink for elementary students only.
    •    Teachers cannot take money. Please pay for your meals online. We will not accept any same day orders. If you have not pre-ordered please pack your child a lunch.
    •    Weekly Orders should be placed by Saturday 5:00 pm the week before.
    •    If your child will be absent from school or in case of an emergency, and you wish to cancel your lunch order, you may cancel his/her lunch by 7:00 am the day of and receive credit. After 7:01 am all sales are final.
    •    No refunds will be given; credit will be issued for meals cancelled on time.
    •    All menu items are subject to change based upon availability of quality ingredients and to accommodate special school events.
You may email our lunch contact, Jennifer Hofheinz, hofheinz@kestrelheights.org or Breonna Buckholz, bbuckholz@kestrelheights.org
On the Kestrel website is the application for the KHS federal lunch program. Everyone has to apply for free or reduced if they feel they qualify.  All students have been changed to full price, until they are approved. We follow the Federal Income Guidelines for eligibility.  These guidelines are included in the attached packet.  If this program is applicable, please complete the forms, attach proof of income and return the packet to Donna Griffin. Her office is located in our middle school at 4900 Prospectus Drive.